The Lua api serves to allow us to write our own user defined callbacks. They allow us to have extensibility, so we can write anything and arbitrarily extend cmake's inherit functionality
Along with these templates we allow you can fully modify the render functions i.e. packages("")
or flags("")
along with this you can also create your own lua callbacks along with a couple helper functions which we provided
Helper Functions
-- This function gets the current working directory of the project
-- @return string
function frate.get_path()
-- This function gets all the paths recursively in a directory provided
-- @param path string
-- @return table
function frate.get_paths_recurse(path)
-- This function gets json data from a url and returns a table
-- @param url string
-- @return table
function frate.fetch_json(url)
-- This function gets text data from a url and returns a string
-- @param url string
-- @return string
function frate.fetch_text(url)
-- This function prints a table with auto intentation
-- *This will not work on objects like the global project table currently*
-- @param table table
function frate.print_table(table)
-- @example
print_table({a = 1, b = 2, c = {d = 3, e = 4}})
-- a : 1
-- b : 2
-- c :
-- d : 3
-- e : 4
-- This function replaces keys in a string with values from a table
-- *Also once again this will not work on objects like the global project table currently, each table must be created in that instance*
-- @param string string
-- @param table table
-- @return string
function frate.format(string, table)
-- @example
format("Hello, my name is {%name%}", {name = "John"})
-- Hello, my name is John
-- This function gets the current build operating system string
-- @returns string of either(windows32, windows64, linux, macos, or unknown)
function frate.get_os()